大阪本町のコワーキングスペース fabbit Global Gateway Osaka Honmachi にて、「Wixもくもく勉強会」を実施しました。毎月第3金曜日を予定しています。
A “Wix Study Meeting” was held at fabbit Global Gateway Osaka Honmachi, a coworking space in Honmachi, Osaka. The third Friday of every month is scheduled.
However, due to the influence of COVID-19, there were many people who could not get disposable masks, so they were canceled.
This event was attended by 2 user. Wix Partner ACTONE Hideya Wada , who is also a YouTuber, Mr. A who also creates a Wix site while working on athletics.
Mr. A is worried about making the Wix site display faster. It seemed that there was no major problem, but Mr. Wada said that there was also the possibility of a "counter". Yes, the display may be slightly heavier due to the effects of these app features.
Mr. Wada and Mr. A were in the same Sensyu area, and the story was exciting.
次の開催は、3/20(金)です。皆さんのお越しをお待ちしています! The next event will be held on Friday, March 20th. See you! Next Event https://www.wix.osaka/events/wix-study-meeting-osaka-march-2020